Film And TV Academy: Cinematography and Lighting Course


Epic Film & TV Academy, or EFTA, is not a film school. We are a facilities and crewing company working with production companies and TV broadcasters across the UK and beyond. The Academy is our solution to bridging the experience gap between advanced, formal education and real-life working on set.

At EFTA you will be taught by people who currently work in the industry and have decades of experience between them. The equipment you will use is the same kit that we hire out to our clients.

What you will learn will be relevant and up to date with industry standards – it will be what you really should know when working on set.

The academy is for those who are serious about a career in the broadcast industry. Our latest course covers everything you need to know on how to light and shoot a scene. You can find out more info about the course and complete your application form on the Epic Broadcast website.