Heavenly Gardens Guided Tour


Ticket £11, Book at Eventbrite

A circular walking tour celebrating the Heavenly Gardens project featuring Norwich’s medieval churches and their churchyards and other historic chapels.

Tours start and finish at Anteros Arts Foundation and include tea or coffee at the neighbouring The Merchants House .

The Heavenly Gardens tours are being staged to tie in with the Taking Root exhibition by Lynda Baxter at Anteros, which runs from Tuesday 9 May to Saturday 20 May (closed Sunday and Monday). Open 10am to 4pm, free entry.

Churches featured on the tour are St Edmund, Fishergate, St Martin-at-Palace, St Helen Bishopgate, Norwich Cathedral Close, St George Tombland, St Peter Hungate, St George Colegate, The Octagon Chapel, The Old Meeting House, St Clement-at-Fyebridge and St Simon and St Jude (tours do not go inside churches) .