Norwich Baroque Concert: Secrets of the HMS Gloucester, musical treasures of the 17th century

Castle and Marketplace

This concert celebrates the extraordinary find of the HMS Gloucester, a famous warship that sank near the Great Yarmouth coast in 1682, creating political ripples that shaped the nation we live in today. We will play a mixture of dance suites, art songs, consort music, and popular ballads from the time of the Gloucester, paralleling the remarkable story of the ship’s voyage, sinking, and discovery.

We have designed this programme as a musical companion to the upcoming exhibition on the Gloucester at the Norwich Castle Museum, and we are delighted to have the support of its curators, Prof. Claire Jowitt and Dr. Benjamin Redding of the UEA, as academic advisors. We invite you to come and step inside this tumultuous moment in British history.

Director: Jim O’Toole, violin
with Daniel Bartlette, tenor