Science and the Humanities in the Contemporary Imagination | UEA Philosophy Public Lecture Series 2023


The UEA Philosophy Public Lecture Series 2023 will explore the relation between science and the humanities in contemporary intellectual thought. Scientific work often impacts ordinary life but is rarely developed against a reflection of humane values, whilst the humanities work on pressing issues of cultural value apart from a scientific mindset. Can philosophy help bring the two together towards an integrated vision of culture?

Thank you to our sponsor, The Royal Institute of Philosophy.

All events are free and open to all, no booking required. The series will be held in person at Thomas Paine Study Centre (TPSC) Lecture Theatre (see campus map). Free parking is available in the UEA West Carpark from 5:30pm the night of the event. UEA West Car Park is located on Chancellor’s Drive, next to TPSC.

Please arrive at 6:00pm for a 6:15pm start, the events will run until approximately 8:00pm.