StringFEST presents Satwinder Pal Singh

Norwich Lanes

Satwinder Pal Singh is regular five time Gold Medalist in National Youth Festival by AIU. ICMA Appreciation award by Indian Classical Music Association, San Francisco. Satwinder has a privilege to accompany Ustad Zakir Hussain , Ustad Taufiq Qureshi, Ustad Fazal Qureshi, Sitar Maestro Pandit Ravi Chari,Pandit Yogesh Samsi, Yashwant Vaishnav, Sukhad Munde,Pandit Navin Sharma, Pandita Anuradha Pal and many others.

Satwinder Pal Singh has learnt certain techniques from his father Ustad S.Shaminder Pal Singhand then from his Dada Guru Sarangi Maestro Ustad Sabri Khan Saheb at his residence New Delhi 2012 and also had the privilege to perform with him. At present Satwinder is learning from Padam Vibhushan Pandit Ram Narayan Ji and Shri Harsh Narayan

Satwinder pal Singh is ‘A’ grade artist of All India Radio and has had the privilege to play and teach many string instruments of Sikh Tradition like Saranda, Israj, Dilruba and Taus. He has also provided his Sarangi tracks in many backround scores for Indian films.

Presented by Indus Music in association with SAMA Arts Network