Norwich Lanes

Jana is on the cusp of adulthood; she’s started dating her first boyfriend and is getting ready to leave her war-torn hometown, to provide for her family. However, when she wakes up in a basement in Sarajevo, it is clear that life doesn’t always follow the plans we make for it.

Fusing projection, design and immersive soundscapes this captivating three-hander plunges us into a visceral journey, spanning South-Eastern Europe to the UK. Artistically integrated captions make this play accessible for both d/Deaf audiences and native Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian speakers.

Written by Ella Dorman-Gajic and directed by Maddy Corner, this unflinching contemporary play takes us inside the European sex-trafficking industry, told through the eyes of a young woman as she attempts to find a place in a world she never asked to be a part of. As all moral certainty evaporates, we are left questioning where to draw the line between victim and perpetrator.

This show is part of a UK tour, supported by Arts Council England.