Medieval Norwich walking tour – from the Normans to the Tudors


Ticket £9. Book at Eventbrite
A walking tour celebrating Norwich Castle’s Royal Palace Reborn project.

Unearth Norwich’s medieval past on this tour with Blue Badge and City of Norwich guides.

Meet at the 15th century Erpingham Gate in Tombland, Norwich’s original Market Place. Hear stories of the great Norman Cathedral, before heading past the ancient Maids Head Hotel and walking up Elm Hill. Discover why Norwich has more medieval churches than any other city in northern Europe, see the largest surviving Friary complex in the country and hear about the local impact of The Peasant’s Revolt, before arriving in the Market Place, which has been at the heart of Norwich’s shopping scene since the 1070s. Close by are the 15th century Guildhall and the vast St Peter Mancroft Church. End the tour viewing Norwich Castle from above the Market Place.

Medieval Norwich tour is run in association with the Association of City of Norwich Tourist Guides.